Posts tagged climate change
Exxon Faces Proposal Highlighting Risks from Single-Use Plastics at Annual Meeting

Tomorrow, ExxonMobil’s (NYSE: XOM) shareholders will vote on a proposal filed by United Church Funds and represented by As You Sow calling on Exxon to report how a significant reduction in virgin plastic demand would impact the company’s financial position and the assumptions underlying its financial statements. Exxon tried and failed to block the proposal at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in March of this year, one of many confrontational actions by Exxon targeting shareholders this proxy season.

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Shareholders Send a Message to Lockheed Martin and RTX that Climate Readiness is Mission Readiness

Major defense contractors Lockheed Martin and RTX (formerly Raytheon Technologies) announced Annual General Meeting vote totals for two climate proposals filed by As You Sow. Thirty-two percent of Lockheed shareholders and 25% of Raytheon shareholders supported proposals requesting the companies disclose plans to reduce full value chain emissions to align with the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C goal, mirroring strong support for similar proposals in 2023.

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Intuit Shareholders Seek a Climate-Safe Retirement for Employees at Company AGM

Shareholders will vote today on a proposal at Intuit asking for a report describing how the company is protecting employees from climate risk embedded in its retirement plan investment options. In a rapidly warming world, this proposal from shareholder representative As You Sow asks a critical question about how Intuit plans to protect its employees’ life savings from the economic consequences of climate change. 

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25% of ExxonMobil Shareholders Approve Studying a Future With Less Virgin Plastic as Global Negotiators Discuss Reduced Production

While delegates from 180 countries debated a global treaty to combat plastic pollution that might include plastic production caps, one-quarter (25.3%) of ExxonMobil shareholders representing $66.7 billion supported a resolution filed by As You Sow asking the company to study how a one-third cut in demand for virgin single-use plastic would affect its financial position at the company’s recent annual meeting. 

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47 Largest Carbon-Emitting Companies Fail to Incentivize CEO Pay Based on Climate Performance

Shareholder representative As You Sow today released “Pay for Climate Performance: Linking CEO Compensation to Emissions Reduction” report finding that, while many companies say they link CEO pay to climate reduction goals, such incentives generally lack meaningful metrics or sufficient compensation to incentivize climate progress.

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