2024 Plastic Promises Scorecard

This Plastic Promises Scorecard measures corporate ambition and action across six critical pillars of plastic packaging pollution prevention with the goal of reducing plastic pollution by creating a circular economy for plastic packaging.

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The Impact of Energy Sector Investments on the Financial Value of Tech 401(k) Funds

Could fossil free funds have saved over $5 billion for these 12 tech companies’ 401(k)s? This study from researchers at the University of Waterloo, in partnership with As You Sow, finds that more than 2,000,000 employees from 12 tech-sector companies could have earned an estimated $5.1 billion

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Racial Justice Scorecard

As You Sow’s Racial Justice team has examined the websites and social media platforms for each company in the Large-Cap 3000 to determine if they made a racial justice statement and how diversity, equity, and inclusion are incorporated into their internal policies and external practices, including environmental justice.

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Workplace Equity Scorecard

As You Sow, in collaboration with Whistle Stop Capital, has examined the websites and sustainability reports for each company in the Large-Cap 3000 to determine their current levels of transparency.

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2024 Pay For Climate Performance

Linking greenhouse gas emission reduction targets to executive compensation is one important lever by which CEOs can be incentivized to achieve timely and systematic progress on climate. This second edition of the Pay for Climate Performance report analyzes how effectively 100 of the largest U.S. companies by market capitalization, across 11 sectors of the economy, are currently linking GHG emissions reduction incentives to CEO remuneration. These 100 companies collectively represent a market capitalization of $28 trillion.

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Proxy Voting Guidelines 2024

These guidelines are also intended to inform all investors on how to vote in an ESG-aligned way. They can be adapted and customized for use by foundations, endowments, asset managers, and retail investors. Please use them as a baseline for discussion with your investment committees, trustees, and financial advisors.

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The Impact of Energy Sector Investments on the Financial Value of Google LLC 401 (k) Savings Plan Funds

The report analyzed Google’s employee 401(k) plan, estimating cumulative 10-year returns with and without fossil fuel investments, and found a difference of 9.15%, or 0.879% per year invested, in favor of fossil free portfolios.

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Proxy Preview 2024

Proponents have filed at least 527 shareholder resolutions on environmental, social and related sustainable governance issues for the 2024 proxy season. This is down by only a few from 536 last year at the same time. It still seems possible the total will reach 630, as it did in both 2023 and 2022. Some of the most notable new proposals ask . . .

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Clean200 2024

The Clean200 lists the 200 major corporate players from 35 countries around the world that are at the forefront of this transition. These are the companies that are leading the way by putting sustainability at the heart of their products, services, business models and investments, helping to move the world onto a more sustainable trajectory.

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2023 Capturing The Diversity Benefit - Workforce Diversity Linked To Financial Performance

What is the association between the workforce diversity of publicly traded companies and the financial performance of these companies? We ask this question-

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The 100 Most Overpaid CEOs

For the past nine years, As You Sow has issued a report identifying the 100 Most Overpaid CEOs among the companies in the S&P 500 index and analyzed the voting practices of large financial managers, mutual funds, and pension funds. For its 10th year, we identify the Overpaid CEOs at annual meetings held between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.

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CEO PayAs You Sowhomepage
2023 Pesticides in the Pantry: Transparency & Risk in Food Supply Chains

Farming has not always required the intensive use of chemicals that constrains our farmers today. Humans have been growing food for over 10,000 years; it is only over the past 60 years that we have become dependent on a complicated and costly system of pesticide use.

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Road to Zero Emissions 2023

The scorecard presents an assessment of the progress made by 100 of the largest U.S. corporations in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to align with the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. These corporations collectively represent a market capitalization of $21 trillion across all 11 sectors of the economy.

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EnergyAs You Sowhomepage
2023 Shareholder Impact Review

As You Sow® conducted 210 corporate engagements in the 2023 proxy season. It is with immense gratitude to YOU – share authorizers, donors, supporters, colleagues, and community – that we offer this summary. Thank you for participating in creating this impact. The credit for these successes is yours.

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Proxy Preview 2023

Investors have filed 542 shareholder proposals so far for the 2023 proxy season, about even with last year at this point in 2022—when by year’s end a total of 617 had been filed. Additional proposals for spring votes will show up as the season progresses and more will be filed for meetings that occur after June.

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Proxy Voting Guidelines 2023

These guidelines are also intended to inform all investors on how to vote in an ESG-aligned way. They can be adapted and customized for use by foundations, endowments, asset managers, and retail investors. Please use them as a baseline for discussion with your investment committees, trustees, and financial advisors.

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Clean200 2023

The Clean200 lists the 200 major corporate players from 35 countries around the world that are at the forefront of this transition. These are the companies that are leading the way by putting sustainability at the heart of their products, services, business models and investments, helping to move the world onto a more sustainable trajectory.

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The 100 Most Overpaid CEOs 2023

For the past nine years, As You Sow has issued a report identifying the 100 Most Overpaid CEOs among the companies in the S&P 500 index and analyzed the voting practices of large financial managers, mutual funds, and pension funds.

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CEO PayAs You Sowhomepage
Workplace Diversity and Financial Performance: An Analysis of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO-1) Data

What is the association between the workforce diversity of publicly traded companies and the financial performance of these companies? We ask this question because there are indications that discrimination in the workplace is pervasive and that this pervasive discrimination is at odds with the best interests of publicly traded companies.

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Pay For Climate Performance

Linking greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets to compensation is one important means by which CEOs can be incentivized to achieve timely and systematic progress on climate. This report is a first step in assessing how effectively companies are currently linking GHG emissions reduction incentives to CEO pay.

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