Posts tagged Lockheed
New Research from As You Sow finds 55 Major Employers Investing Billions in Military Weapons Manufacturers

New analysis from As You Sow finds that employee retirement 401(k) plans are channeling hundreds of billions of dollars into military weapons manufacturers, including companies involved with nuclear arms, cluster munitions, and other controversial weapons. Every plan analyzed had companies linked to nuclear or controversial weapons in their top 100 equity holdings, with RTX Corp, Boeing, and GE Aerospace among the most frequent investments.

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Shareholders Send a Message to Lockheed Martin and RTX that Climate Readiness is Mission Readiness

Major defense contractors Lockheed Martin and RTX (formerly Raytheon Technologies) announced Annual General Meeting vote totals for two climate proposals filed by As You Sow. Thirty-two percent of Lockheed shareholders and 25% of Raytheon shareholders supported proposals requesting the companies disclose plans to reduce full value chain emissions to align with the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C goal, mirroring strong support for similar proposals in 2023.

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