Posts tagged plastic pollution
New Report Ranks 225 Major Companies on Their Response to the Crisis of Plastic Packaging Pollution

Today, As You Sow, in partnership with Ubuntoo, an environmental solutions platform, released their “2024 Plastic Promises Scorecard” ranking 225 global companies across 15 industries on their ambition and actions to reduce plastic packaging pollution. One major finding of the report is the significant gap between companies’ stated plastic reduction commitments and actions taken to meet those commitments.

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Exxon Faces Proposal Highlighting Risks from Single-Use Plastics at Annual Meeting

Tomorrow, ExxonMobil’s (NYSE: XOM) shareholders will vote on a proposal filed by United Church Funds and represented by As You Sow calling on Exxon to report how a significant reduction in virgin plastic demand would impact the company’s financial position and the assumptions underlying its financial statements. Exxon tried and failed to block the proposal at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in March of this year, one of many confrontational actions by Exxon targeting shareholders this proxy season.

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Key Themes at Plastic Treaty Talks Align with As You Sow’s Effort to Hold Companies Accountable on Plastic Pollution

As global plastics treaty talks wind down in Ottawa, I was pleased to see key topics like petrochemical production caps and extended producer responsibility front and center in discussions. Those have been the ongoing focus of As You Sow’s plastic pollution conversation with major producers and their customers for several years.

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Shareholders Seek to Hold Tobacco Industry Accountable for Littered Plastic Cigarette Butts

As You Sow filed a first-of-its-kind shareholder proposal on Friday asking U.S. tobacco giant Altria to assess and take responsibility for the collection and cleanup costs of trillions of discarded plastic cigarette filters. Used cigarette filters are the most littered form of plastic on the planet, with an estimated marine ecosystem and waste management cost of $26 billion per year. 

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