Shareholders Call for #RebootFacebook to Put Company on Path to Democracy, Decency, and Disclosure

Investors are gravely concerned over Facebook’s governance, which has allowed Russian bots to influence the 2016 U.S. elections, Myanmar military personnel to incite genocide, 45 million images of child pornography and torture to be released on the web, and hate speech, anti-immigrant violence, and purchasing of weapons to proliferate. Even Facebook’s employees are calling for change.

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As You Sow
Shareholders Urge 5 Major U.S. Banks to Act on Climate

A coalition of investors — Walden Asset Management, Presbyterian Church USA, and First Affirmative Financial Network — led by shareholder advocate As You Sow recently filed climate-focused resolutions with a large segment of the U.S. banking industry, including JPMorgan Chase & Co, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley. 

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As You Sow
Gender Lens Investing Tool Adds Sustainability Report Card, Grading Funds on Climate, Deforestation, and Weapons

As You Sow, a leading non-profit promoting sustainable investing, today announced that its Gender Equality Funds investing tool has been upgraded with a first-of-its-kind sustainability report card, grading investments on six environmental and social issues including gender equality, fossil fuels, deforestation, and weapons.

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