Posts in Invest Your Values
SEC Rules Against Amazon, Allows Shareholder Vote on 401(k) Plan Invested in Big Oil and Companies Burning Down the Amazon

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Friday ruled against’s “no-action” motion to exclude the As You Sow shareholder resolution asking the company to prepare a report on why the company operates under one set of climate policies for its operations and the opposite in its employee retirement investments.

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Gender Lens Investing Tool Adds Sustainability Report Card, Grading Funds on Climate, Deforestation, and Weapons

As You Sow, a leading non-profit promoting sustainable investing, today announced that its Gender Equality Funds investing tool has been upgraded with a first-of-its-kind sustainability report card, grading investments on six environmental and social issues including gender equality, fossil fuels, deforestation, and weapons.

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First of Its Kind Web Tool Lets You Know if You’re Funding Gun Violence and War

Weapon Free Funds, a new tool from non-profit groups As You Sow and CODEPINK, was released today to help individuals, communities, universities and others review their mutual fund investments for holdings in military contractors and gun manufacturers and retailers. Handguns, assault rifles, ammunition, cluster munitions, landmines and nuclear weapons are often embedded in commonly-held mutual funds and ETFs.

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Climate, Politics and Women Top Shareholder Issues for Proxy Season 2018

Proxy Preview 2018, released today by As You Sow, the Sustainable Investments Institute (Si2), and Proxy Impact, offers a comprehensive look at more than 400 shareholder resolutions filed on environmental, social and sustainable governance (ESG) issues. The report shows how investors continue to seek accountability on climate change risk and corporate political spending, but have growing concerns regarding the treatment of women. Other key issues include gun laws, the opioid crisis, fake news and human trafficking.

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Clean200 List From As You Sow and Corporate Knights Outperforms Dirty Energy Corporations by Nearly Double

Today, As You Sow and Corporate Knights released the fourth update of the Carbon Clean 200 (Clean200), a list of the 200 largest publicly traded companies in the world making significant revenue from clean energy. In its first full year and a half of live performance, Clean200 companies generated a total return of 32.1%. That’s almost double the 15.7% for its fossil fuel benchmark the S&P 1200 Global Energy Index.

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