Posts in Energy
Exxon and Shell Support Methane Regulations, Gas’ Climate Impact Remains Alarming

At CERAWeek, Shell broke its tradition of avoiding government criticism to call on the Trump administration to tighten methane restrictions from oil and gas operations. Exxon also doubled down on its position that federal methane regulation has an important role to play in leveling the playing field and reducing environmental risks.

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SEC Rules Anadarko Must Include Shareholder Proposal Requesting Disclosure on Company’s Alignment with Paris Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ruled Monday that Anadarko Petroleum Corporation cannot exclude a shareholder proposal filed by As You Sow. The proposal asks the company to issue a report describing if, and how, it plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to align with the Paris Agreement’s goal of avoiding catastrophic climate change.

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BP to Support Investor Resolution on Climate, but Will Announcement Be Followed With 'Concrete, Bold Action'?

BP announced today that it will support a resolution from investors of the Climate Action 100+ initiative asking the company to broaden its corporate reporting to describe how its strategy is consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. The energy giant said the BP board has decided to support the proposed resolution, which will be put to shareholders at the company’s annual general meeting in May 2019.

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