Want a Future Worth Saving For? Here’s How to Divest Your 401(k) From Fossil Fuels

“Most people don’t have a clue what they own,” said Andrew Behar, CEO of As You Sow, a corporate accountability group that pushes companies and institutional investors to adopt socially responsible practices through pressure from shareholders. “I did a talk at the World Bank, and I showed them their 401(k)s were invested in cluster munitions and landmines. But they didn’t know!” Read More →

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As Wells Fargo Sets New Financed Emissions Goal, Climate Campaigners Warn 'Net Zero Is Not Enough'

Danielle Fugere, president of As You Sow, a nonprofit that promotes environmental and social corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy and other activities, also pointed to the broader trend while urging Wells Fargo to share more about specific actions it will take. Read More →

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Exclusive: Wells Fargo is joining the green wave sweeping finance

"The financial system is recognizing climate risk — and moving toward addressing it," said Danielle Fugere, the president of As You Sow, a nonprofit that promotes environmental and social corporate responsibility. "This is an important signal to the entire economy." Read More →

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Companies declared ‘Black lives matter’ last year, and now they’re being asked to prove it

“I think we’re going to see much broader investor support [for these resolutions]” said Meredith Benton, a consultant with As You Sow and a principal at Whistle Stop Capital. “Two years ago, there was confusion about whether all this was a material issue, and that confusion is gone.” Read More →

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Scorecards help investors track S&P 500 efforts on racial justice, workplace equity

"It's wonderful to see corporate commitments to racial justice and fair workplaces," said As You Sow's workplace equity initiative manager Meredith Benton, a principal with Whistle Stop Capital, who consults with asset owners and advisers to increase ESG investments. "Companies have done a lot of telling and very little showing of how they treat their employees," Ms. Benton said in the release. Read More →

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These are the country’s 100 most overpaid CEOs

Pichai tops the new list of “100 Most Overpaid CEOs,” the seventh annual report published by As You Sow, a nonprofit promoting corporate social responsibility through shareholder advocacy. The report, subtitled “Are Fund Managers Asleep at the Wheel?” finds that, while shareholder opposition to this excess is growing, many of the biggest financial fiduciaries still did not vote against excessive CEO pay in last year’s annual shareholder meetings. Read More →

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CEOs like Google's Sundar Pichai and Microsoft's Satya Nadella are among the most overpaid CEOs, according to a new report

CEOs like Alphabet's Sundar Pichai and Microsoft's Satya Nadella are among the top 100 most overpaid CEOs, according to a new report from As You Sow.

It's no secret that CEOs of S&P 500 companies make good money. However, As You Sow's list doesn't rank by the size of a CEO's salary. Instead, the corporate responsibility non-profit uses different metrics to identify whether or not a CEO is being overpaid. Read More →

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How your retirement investments can help protect the environment

Andrew Behar, CEO of the nonprofit watchdog and shareholder advocacy group As You Sow, says his organization's mission is to help people "invest with intention." It's actually in your benefit to use such a strategy, he explains. The energy sector continues to be one of the worst performing sectors over the last decade. Meanwhile, the new presidential administration, with its robust climate change commitments, is expected to positively impact the returns on these kind of investments even further. Read More →

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What new Amazon CEO Andy Jassy needs to do to become a leader in sustainability like Apple

Outgoing CEO Jeff Bezos, the founder of the e-commerce giant, has “actually done the hard stuff, the hardest stuff being operations,” says Andrew Behar, CEO of As You Sow, a nonprofit shareholder advocacy group. “On other issues, though, he’s completely not even thinking about them.” Read More →

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Blackrock moves to block corporate purpose proposal days after Fink letter pushes investee firms to ‘show purpose’

The resolution, filed by US non-profit As You Sow, asks BlackRock for “the board’s perspective” on how its “governance and management systems should be altered, if at all, to fully implement the New Statement of Purpose”. Read More →

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British Hedge Fund Billionaire Takes Climate Fight to S&P 500

The Aena vote, which passed, caught the attention of Andrew Behar, chief executive officer of As You Sow, a leading U.S. nonprofit that represents shareholders to engage public companies on ESG policy implementation. A few weeks later, the foundation Mr. Hohn founded reached out and arranged a grant for the nonproft to start rolling out the campaign in the U.S., Mr. Behar said. Read More →

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We are learning more about diversity at tech companies, but it isn’t good news

Facing pressure for the past decade, tech companies have exhibited more willingness than other corporate sectors to reveal diversity statistics. As You Sow, a Berkeley, Calif.-based shareholder advocacy group, recently ranked companies based on the amount of diversity, pay and other information they release, the effectiveness of their recruitment and retention efforts and the goals they have set. Read More →

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Exxon, under investor pressure, discloses emissions from burning its fuels

Exxon said it made the disclosure due to investor interest. “They’re seeking dollars against companies that are disclosing Scope 3,” said Danielle Fugere, president of As You Sow, a non-profit shareholder activist group. “I don’t think they have any choice.” Read More →

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US companies face shareholder push for 'say-on-climate' votes

As You Sow, which focuses on corporate environmental and social responsibility, told CQ Roll Call that a shareholder proposal submitted to railroad company Union Pacific Corp. seeking the “say-on-climate” vote is the first of many the group plans to put forward for consideration in 2021. The group says it’s also working on a petition to regulators to mandate these votes. Read More →

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A $7 trillion climate change warning to the stock market from its biggest shareholder

As You Sow has targeted BlackRock at its own annual meeting in the past for its failure to support more resolutions. Andrew Behar delivered a speech from the floor of the BlackRock meeting last year pointing to what he sees as a disconnect between BlackRock’s words and actions, for “using its big stick like a wet noodle” Behar says, and that means he remains skeptical until he sees the results from the upcoming annual meeting season. Read More →

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