Posts tagged net-zero,net-zero
Monster Beverage: Shareholder Advisory Votes on Climate Change

Resolved: By investors to Amend Article I of the Bylaws by adding the following section:

Section 16. Annual Proxy Vote and Report on Climate Change. The annual corporate proxy statement shall include a proposal requesting an advisory vote by shareholders expressing non-binding advisory approval or disapproval of the Company’s publicly available climate policies and strategies, in consideration of key climate benchmarks.

The Board of Directors is authorized to include in the Company’s annual proxy statement, or publish elsewhere, a report that characterizes the scale and pace of its responsive measures associated with climate change, including referring, at Board discretion, to the Company’s alignment with climate-related benchmarks.

Nothing in this section shall be construed as constraining the discretion of the board or management in disclosing or managing issues related to a climate change transition.

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ExxonMobil: Request to improve climate related audit procedures

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that ExxonMobil’s Board of Directors issue an audited report to shareholders on whether and how a significant reduction in fossil fuel demand, envisioned in the IEA Net Zero 2050 scenario, would affect its financial position and underlying assumptions. The Board should summarize its findings to shareholders by January 31, 2022, and the report should be completed at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information.

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Chevron: Request to improve climate related audit procedures

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Chevron’s Board of Directors issue an audited report to shareholders on whether and how a significant reduction in fossil fuel demand, envisioned in the IEA Net Zero 2050 scenario, would affect its financial position and underlying assumptions. The Board should summarize its findings to shareholders by January 31, 2022, and the report should be completed at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information.

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Union Pacific Corporation: Shareholder Advisory Votes on Climate Change

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that the Board of Directors issue a climate transition report, at least 120 days prior to the next annual meeting, and updated annually, that addresses the scale and pace of its responsive measures associated with climate change.

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Union Pacific Corporation: Climate Transition Reporting

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders of the Union Pacific Corporation request that the Company provide shareholders with the opportunity, in the annual proxy statement (starting with 2022) to vote to express non-binding, advisory approval or disapproval of the Company’s publicly available climate policies and strategies, in consideration of key climate benchmarks.

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Amazon: Adopt Policy for Managing GHG Emissions

WHEREAS: The World Economic Forum 2015 Global Risk Report ranked water as the top societal risk facing the world in terms of potential economic impact. (1)  The Human Right to Water, formally recognized by the United Nations in 2010, clarifies that it is the responsibility of companies to ensure their operations do not infringe upon the right of individuals to sufficient, safe, acceptable, accessible, and affordable water. This human right is further buttressed by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 6, which includes a target for improving water quality by reducing pollution and minimizing the discharge of hazardous chemicals and materials.

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