Dominion Resources: Climate Change Risks

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Board of Directors prepare a report (at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information) exploring options as to whether and how the Company could reduce its total contribution to climate change by encouraging electrification of the built environment within the company’s service areas as part of a Company transition toward enterprise-wide alignment with the Paris Climate Agreement.

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Dow Inc: Report on Petrochemical Risks

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Dow Inc., with board oversight, publish a report, omitting proprietary information and prepared at reasonable cost, assessing the public health risks of expanding petrochemical operations and investments in areas increasingly prone to climate change-induced storms, flooding, and sea level rise.

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FedEx: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities and Expenditures

BE IT RESOLVED: The stockholders of FedEx request the preparation of a report updated annually, disclosing:

1) Company policy and procedures governing lobbying, both direct and indirect, and grass roots lobbying communications.

2) Payments by FedEx used for (a) direct or indirect lobbying or (b) grassroots lobbying communications, in each case including the amount of the payment and the recipient.

3) FedEx’s membership in and payments to any tax-exempt organization that writes and endorses model legislation.

4) Description of management’s and the Board’s decision-making process and oversight for making payments described in section 2 and 3 above.

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AutoZone, Inc.: Human Capital Management Disclosures

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that the Board of Directors issue a report to shareholders describing the company’s policies, performance, and improvement targets related to material human capital risks and opportunities, at reasonable expense and excluding confidential information, prepared in consideration of the metrics and guidelines set forth in the SASB Multiline and Specialty Retailers & Distributors standard’s provisions on workforce diversity and inclusion and labor practices requirements.

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Oracle Corporation: Diversity in the Workplace

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Oracle Corporation publish annually a report assessing the Company's diversity and inclusion efforts, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information. At a minimum the report should include:

  • the process the Board follows for assessing the effectiveness of its diversity and inclusion programs,

  • a report on the program’s effectiveness as reflected in any goals, metrics, and trends related to company promotion, recruitment and retention of protected classes of employees.

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Procter and Gamble: Diversity in the Workplace

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Procter and Gamble Co. (“P&G”) publish annually a report assessing the Company's diversity and inclusion efforts, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information. At a minimum the report should include: the process that the Board follows for assessing the effectiveness of its diversity and inclusion programs, and the Board’s assessment of program effectiveness, as reflected in any goals, metrics, and trends related to its promotion, recruitment and retention of protected classes of employees.

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Campbell Soup Company: Pesticide Use in Agricultural Supply Chains

WHEREAS: American families have long trusted Campbell Soup Company’s iconic brands for providing nourishing food products. Consumers are increasingly demanding healthy, natural, and safe food products, including those grown without pesticides that can harm the health of consumers, farmers, communities, and the environment.

Pesticide-based agricultural practices are creating growing risk to food companies. Scientists have connected pesticide exposure to cancer, developmental defects, and obesity, among other health harms. Consumers are increasingly demanding healthy, clean, and safe foods, and food companies are seeing increased litigation around pesticide use. Pesticide-based farming methods degrade soil health, increase erosion, and contribute to the loss of pollinator species essential to food production. Weeds and insects develop resistance to pesticides with associated crop losses of $1.4 billion per year.

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JM Smucker: Pesticide Use in Agricultural Supply Chains

WHEREAS: Pesticide-based agricultural practices are creating growing risk to food companies. Scientists have connected pesticide exposure to cancer, developmental defects, and obesity, among other health harms. Consumers are increasingly demanding healthy, clean, and safe foods, and food companies are seeing increased litigation around pesticide use. Pesticide-based farming methods degrade soil health, increase erosion, and contribute to the loss of pollinator species essential to food production. Weeds and insects develop resistance to pesticides with associated crop losses of $1.4 billion per year.

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McKesson: Implementation Plan for New Business Roundtable "Purpose of a Corporation"

WHEREAS: Our Company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Brian Tyler, in August 2019, signed the Business Roundtable (BRT) “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation,” (Statement) committing our Company to serve all stakeholders including employees, customers, supply chain, communities where we operate, and shareholders. In addition, McKesson proclaims to adhere to the corporate principles “Integrity, Customer-First, Accountability, Respect and Excellence” (ICARE).

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Kroger: Report on Recyclable Packaging

WHEREAS:  A portion of Kroger house brand product packaging is unrecyclable, including plastics, which are a growing component of plastic pollution and marine litter. Authorities say that marine litter kills and injures marine life, spreads toxics, and poses a potential threat to human health. The environmental cost of consumer plastic products and packaging exceeds $139 billion annually, according to the American Chemistry Council.

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Barclays: Climate Change Risk Reporting

BE IT RESOLVED:  To promote the long-term success of the Company, given the risks and opportunities associated with climate change, we as shareholders direct the Company to set and disclose targets to phase out the provision of financial services, including but not limited to project finance, corporate finance, and underwriting, to the energy sector (as defined by the Global Industry Classification Standard) and electric and gas utility companies that are not aligned with Articles 2.1(a) and 4.1 of the Paris Agreement (‘the Paris goals’). The timelines for phase out must be aligned with the Paris goals. The company should report on progress on an annual basis, starting from 2021 onwards. Disclosure and reporting should be done at reasonable cost and omit proprietary information.

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Mastercard: Diversity in the Workplace

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Mastercard Incorporated(“Mastercard”) publish annually a report assessing the Company's diversity and inclusion efforts, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information. At a minimum the report should include:

  • the process that the Board follows for assessing the effectiveness of its diversity and inclusion programs,

  • the Board’s assessment of program effectiveness, as reflected in any goals, metrics, and trends related to its promotion, recruitment and retention of employees it has committed to protect from discrimination.

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MetLife: Diversity in the Workplace

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that MetLife Inc. MetLife publish annually a report assessing the Companys diversity and inclusion efforts at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information. At a minimum the report should include: the process that the Board follows for assessing the effectiveness of its diversity and inclusion programs the Boards assessment of program effectiveness as reflected in any goals metrics and trends related to its promotion recruitment and retention of protected classes of employees.

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Liberty Broadband: Report on Gender Diversity

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that the Board of Directors of Liberty Broadband Corporation adopt policies for improving board diversity including that the initial list of candidates from which new director nominees are chosen by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee should include, but need not be limited to, qualified women and minority candidates.

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