BlackRock: Implementation Plan for New Business Roundtable "Purpose of a Corporation"

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that Morgan Stanley publish annually a report assessing the Company's diversity and inclusion efforts, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information.  At a minimum the report should include:

  • the process that the Board follows for assessing the effectiveness of its diversity and inclusion programs,

  • the Board’s assessment of program effectiveness, as reflected in any goals, metrics, and trends related to its promotion, recruitment and retention of protected classes of employees.

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Facebook: #RebootFacebook

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request management and the board ”Reboot Facebook,” by making the changes below by Labor Day 2020. Designating a specific date creates a symbolic “before and after;” Facebook 1.0 vs. Facebook 2.0. Actions include:

  1. Delete all images of child pornography and torture, remove all associated accounts, and work with law enforcement to bring abusers to justice;

  2. Delete all fake accounts and establish a verification system to improve expeditious removal;

  3. Delete all political ads containing lies and mistruths based on Facebook employee recommendations to avoid adverse impact on our political system;

  4. Publicly agree to a policy stating that Facebook will abide by campaign advertising rules like all U.S. broadcasters and end micro-targeting of groups smaller than 5,000 people;

  5. As a show of Goodwill and until the platform can be effectively monitored, disallow any political ads Labor Day through the 2020 election;

  6. Provide full transparency of the Reboot process including listing deleted political ads, Bots, fake accounts, fake news, deep fakes and accounts closed;

  7. Disclose budget committed to fix these issues to inform other platforms as a case study of best practices; and

  8. Establish systems to maintain all of the above going forward with public transparency.

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Home Depot: Strengthen Ownership Guidelines & Holding Requirements

BE IT RESOLVED: The shareholders of Home Depot urge the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors to adopt a policy, applicable to future grants and awards of equity compensation, requiring that senior executives retain a significant percentage of shares acquired through equity compensation programs for a significant period of time following the termination of their employment (through retirement or otherwise). The policy shall apply to future grants and awards of equity compensation.

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Westlake Chemical: Report on Plastic Pellet Pollution

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that the Board of Directors of Westlake Chemical issue an annual report to shareholders, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, on plastic pollution. The report should disclose trends in the amount of pellets, powder or granules released to the environment by the company annually, and concisely assess the effectiveness of the company’s policies and actions to reduce the volume of the company’s plastic materials contaminating the environment.

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Morgan Stanley: Diversity in the Workplace

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that Morgan Stanley publish annually a report assessing the Company's diversity and inclusion efforts, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information.  At a minimum the report should include:

  • the process that the Board follows for assessing the effectiveness of its diversity and inclusion programs,

  • the Board’s assessment of program effectiveness, as reflected in any goals, metrics, and trends related to its promotion, recruitment and retention of protected classes of employees.

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JPMorgan Chase: Diversity in the Workplace

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that JPMorgan Chase & Co. publish annually a report assessing the Company's diversity and inclusion efforts, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information.  At a minimum the report should include:

  • the process that the Board follows for assessing the effectiveness of its diversity and inclusion programs,

  • the Board’s assessment of program effectiveness, as reflected in any goals, metrics, and trends related to its promotion, recruitment and retention of protected classes of employees.

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Republic: Adoption of Stronger Recycling Programs and Restriction on Waste Exports

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request the Board of Directors of Republic Services issue a report, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, discussing how the Company can increase the scale and pace of its efforts to increase plastics recovery and recycling to address environmental problems caused by plastic pollution. 

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ANI Pharmaceuticals: Report on Gender Diversity

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that the Board of Directors of ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (“ANI”) adopt a policy for improving board diversity requiring that the initial list of candidates from which new director nominees are chosen by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee should include, but need not be limited to, qualified women and minority candidates.

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Macy's: Report on Political Spending Related to Company Values and Policies

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that Macy’s issue a public report, omitting confidential information and at a reasonable expense, by December 1, 2020, detailing any known and any potential risks and costs to the Company caused by enacted or proposed state policies affecting reproductive rights, and detailing any strategies beyond litigation and legal compliance that the Company may deploy to minimize or mitigate these risks.

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Occidental Petroleum: Report on Plastic Pellet Pollution

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that the Board of Directors of Occidental issue an annual report to shareholders, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, on plastic pollution.  The report should disclose trends in the amount of pellets, powder or granules released to the environment by the company annually, and concisely assess the effectiveness of the company’s policies and actions to reduce the volume of the company’s plastic materials contaminating the environment.

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Huntsman: Report on Plastic Pellet Pollution

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that the Board of Directors of Huntsman issue an annual report to shareholders, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, on plastic pollution.  The report should disclose trends in the amount of pellets, powder or granules released to the environment by the company annually, and concisely assess the effectiveness of the company’s policies and actions to reduce the volume of the company’s plastic materials contaminating the environment.

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Waste Management: Adoption of Stronger Recycling Programs and Restriction on Waste Exports

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request the Board of Directors of Waste Management issue a report, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, discussing if, and how, the Company can increase the scale and pace of its efforts to constructively support industry and public policy solutions to address the environmental problems caused by plastic pollution.

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