Posts in Social Justice
Herbalife Ltd: Disclosure of Key Diversity and Inclusion Metrics

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that Herbalife Nutrition Ltd. (Herbalife) report to shareholders on the effectiveness of the Company's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. The report should be done at reasonable expense, exclude proprietary information, and provide transparency on outcomes, using quantitative metrics for workforce diversity, hiring, promotion, and retention of employees, including data by gender, race, and ethnicity.

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Coca-Cola Co: Mitigation of Risks Related to Restrictive Public Health Care Policies

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that the Board of Directors issue a public report, omitting confidential information and at reasonable expense, detailing known or potential risks or costs to the Company and its employees caused by the decline in the quality of their accessible medical care and the Company’s strategy to ameliorate these harms.

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Delta Air Lines Inc: Respect for Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

BE IT RESOLVED:  The Board of Directors of Delta Airlines shall adopt and disclose a Non-interference Policy (“Policy”) upholding the rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining in its operations, as reflected in the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (“Fundamental Principles”). The Policy should contain a commitment to:

  • Non-interference when employees seek to form or join a trade union, and a prohibition against acting to undermine this right or pressure employees not to form or join a trade union;

  • Good faith and timely collective bargaining if employees form or join a trade union;

  • Uphold the highest standard where national or local law differs from international human rights standards;

  • Define processes to identify, prevent, account for, and remedy practices that violate or are inconsistent with the Policy.

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Mohawk Industries Inc: Racial Equity Audit

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders of Mohawk industries urge the Board of Directors to oversee a racial equity audit analyzing Mohawk’s current DEI policies and practices and their effects on nonwhite stakeholders and communities of color. Input from civil rights organizations, employees, and customers should be considered in determining the specific matters to be analyzed. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential and proprietary information, should be publicly disclosed on Mohawk’s website.

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Ameren Corp: Coal-Related Harm Environmental Justice

RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Board, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information, issue an audited public report quantifying the rates of illness, mortality, and infant death due to coal-related air and water pollution in communities downwind and adjacent to Ameren’s coal operations, and how the Company intends to address and reduce such community impacts from its operations.

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AT&T Inc: Alignment of Stated Corporate Values with Political and Electioneering Expenditures

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that AT&T publish a report, at reasonable expense, analyzing the congruence of the Company’s political and electioneering expenditures during the preceding year against publicly stated company values and policies, listing and explaining any instances of incongruent expenditures, and stating whether the Company has made, or plans to make, changes in contributions or communications to candidates as a result of identified incongruencies.

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AbbVie Inc: Alignment of Stated Corporate Values with Political and Electioneering Expenditures

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that AbbVie annually analyze and report, at reasonable expense, the congruence of its political, lobbying, and electioneering expenditures during the preceding year against its publicly stated company values and policies, listing and explaining instances of incongruent expenditures, and stating whether the identified incongruencies have or will lead to a change in future expenditures or contributions.

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Global Payments Inc: Racial Equity & DEI Disclosure Reporting

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Global Payments Inc. publish a report, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information, disclosing the racial equity actions and targets the Company has put in place, if any, and providing data reflecting the success of such actions in promoting and improving racial equity outcomes.

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Bank of America: Greater Disclosure of Material Corporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Data

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Bank of America Corp. (“Bank of America”) report to shareholders on the effectiveness of the Company's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. The report should be done at reasonable expense, exclude proprietary information, and provide transparency on outcomes, using quantitative metrics, for hiring, retention, and promotion of employees, including data by gender, race, and ethnicity.

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Bank of New York Mellon Corp: Greater Disclosure of Material Corporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Data

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (“BNY Mellon”) report to shareholders on the effectiveness of the Company's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. The report should be done at reasonable expense, exclude proprietary information, and provide transparency on outcomes, using quantitative metrics for hiring, retention, and promotion of employees, including data by gender, race, and ethnicity.

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Procter & Gamble Co: Greater Disclosure of Material Corporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Data

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Procter & Gamble (“P&G”) report to shareholders on the outcomes of the Company's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts by publishing quantitative data on workforce composition, and recruitment, retention, and promotion rates of employees by gender, race, and ethnicity. The reporting should be done at reasonable expense and exclude proprietary information.

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Tesla Inc: Report on Impact of Use of Mandatory Arbitration

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders of Tesla, Inc. (“Tesla”) ask the Board of Directors to oversee the preparation of a publicly-disclosed report on the impact of the use of mandatory arbitration on Tesla’s brand, employees and workplace culture. The report should evaluate the impact of Tesla’s current use of arbitration on the prevalence of harassment and discrimination in its workplace, on employees’ ability to seek redress, and on consumer perceptions of Tesla as an employer. The report should be prepared at reasonable cost and omit proprietary and personal information.

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Nike Inc: Greater Disclosure of Material Corporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Data

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that NIKE, Inc. (“Nike”) report to shareholders on the effectiveness of the Company's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts (“DEI”). The reporting should be done at reasonable expense, exclude proprietary information, and address outcomes, using quantitative metrics for recruitment, retention, and promotion of employees, including data by gender, race, and ethnicity.

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Lululemon Athletica Inc: Greater Disclosure of Material Corporate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Data

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Lululemon Athletica Inc. report to shareholders on the outcomes of the Company's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts by publishing quantitative data on workforce composition, and recruitment, retention, and promotion rates of employees by gender, race, and ethnicity. The reporting should be done at reasonable expense and exclude proprietary information.

Read More Inc: Greater Disclosure of Material Corporate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Data

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that, Inc. (“Salesforce”) report to shareholders on the effectiveness of the Company's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. The reporting should be done at reasonable expense, exclude proprietary information, and address outcomes, using quantitative metrics for retention and promotion of employees, including data by gender, race, and ethnicity.

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Activision Blizzard Inc: Greater Disclosure of Material Corporate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Data

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Activision Blizzard, Inc. report to shareholders on the outcomes of the Company's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts by publishing quantitative data on workforce composition, and recruitment, retention, and promotion rates of employees by gender, race, and ethnicity. The reporting should be done at reasonable expense and exclude proprietary information.

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Netflix Inc: Greater Disclosure of Material Corporate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Data

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Netflix, Inc. report to shareholders on the effectiveness of the Company's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. The reporting should be done at reasonable expense, exclude proprietary information, and address outcomes using quantitative metrics for recruitment, retention, and promotion of employees, including data by gender, race, and ethnicity.

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Ross Stores Inc: Greater Disclosure of Material Corporate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Data

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Ross Stores, Inc. (Ross Stores) report to shareholders on the outcomes of the Company's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts by publishing quantitative data on workforce composition, and recruitment, retention, and promotion rates of employees by gender, race, and ethnicity. The reporting should be done at reasonable expense and exclude proprietary information.

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