Posts tagged Reporting,Reporting
Morgan Stanley: Report on Climate Transition Planning

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that, for each of its sectors with a Net Zero-aligned 2030 target, Morgan Stanley annually disclose the proportion of sector emissions attributable to clients that are not aligned with a credible Net Zero pathway, whether this proportion of unaligned clients will prevent Morgan Stanley from meeting its 2030 targets, and actions it proposes to address any such emissions reduction shortfalls.

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JP Morgan Chase & Co: Report on Climate Transition Planning

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that, for each of its sectors with a 2030 target, JPMorgan Chase annually disclose the proportion of sector emissions attributable to clients that are not aligned with a credible Net Zero pathway, whether this proportion of unaligned clients will prevent JPMorgan from meeting its 2030 targets, and the actions it proposes to address any such emissions reduction shortfalls.

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Goldman Sachs Group Inc: Report on Climate Transition Planning

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that, for each of its sectors with a Net Zero-aligned 2030 target, Goldman Sachs annually disclose the proportion of sector emissions attributable to clients that are not aligned with a credible Net Zero pathway, whether this proportion of unaligned clients will prevent Goldman from meeting its 2030 targets, and actions it proposes to address any such emissions reduction shortfalls.

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Wells Fargo & Co: Report on Climate Transition Planning

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that, for each of its sectors with a Net Zero aligned 2030 target, Wells Fargo annually disclose the proportion of sector emissions attributable to clients not aligned with a credible Net Zero pathway, whether this proportion of unaligned clients will prevent Wells Fargo from meeting its 2030 targets, and actions it proposes to address any such emissions reduction shortfalls.

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Citigroup: Report on Climate Transition Planning

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that, for each of its sectors with a Net Zero-aligned 2030 target, Citi annually disclose the proportion of sector emissions attributable to clients that are not aligned with a credible Net Zero pathway, whether this proportion of unaligned clients will prevent Citi from meeting its 2030 targets, and actions it proposes to address any such emissions reduction shortfalls.

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Bank of America: Report on Climate Transition Planning

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that BofA prepare and issue an assessment of the proportion of the bank’s auto manufacturing, energy, and power sectors’ emissions that are attributed to clients that the bank assesses are not aligned with a credible 1.5°C pathway by 2030, whether this proportion of unaligned clients will prevent BofA from meeting its 2030 net zero targets, and actions it proposes to address any such emissions reduction shortfalls.

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Mohawk Industries Inc: Racial Equity Audit

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders of Mohawk industries urge the Board of Directors to oversee a racial equity audit analyzing Mohawk’s current DEI policies and practices and their effects on nonwhite stakeholders and communities of color. Input from civil rights organizations, employees, and customers should be considered in determining the specific matters to be analyzed. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential and proprietary information, should be publicly disclosed on Mohawk’s website.

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Ameren Corp: Coal-Related Harm Environmental Justice

RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Board, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information, issue an audited public report quantifying the rates of illness, mortality, and infant death due to coal-related air and water pollution in communities downwind and adjacent to Ameren’s coal operations, and how the Company intends to address and reduce such community impacts from its operations.

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Wells Fargo & Co: Report on Climate Transition Planning

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Wells Fargo issue a report disclosing a transition plan that describes how it intends to align its financing activities with its 2030 sectoral greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, including the specific measures and policies to be implemented, the reductions to be achieved by such measures and policies, and timelines for implementation and associated emission reductions.

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Global Payments Inc: Racial Equity & DEI Disclosure Reporting

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Global Payments Inc. publish a report, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information, disclosing the racial equity actions and targets the Company has put in place, if any, and providing data reflecting the success of such actions in promoting and improving racial equity outcomes.

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Bank of America: Report on Climate Transition Planning

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Bank of America issue a report disclosing a transition plan that describes how it intends to align its financing activities with its 2030 sectoral greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, including the specific measures and policies to be implemented, reductions to be achieved by such measures and policies, and timelines for implementation and associated emission reductions.

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AutoZone Inc: Net Zero Targets & Climate Transition Planning

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Board issue a report, at reasonable expense and excluding confidential information, disclosing how the Company intends to reduce its enterprise-wide operational and supply chain greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement's 1.5 degree goal requiring net zero emissions by 2050.

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ResMed Inc: Net Zero Targets & Climate Transition Planning

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Board issue a report, at reasonable expense and excluding confidential information, disclosing how the Company intends to reduce its GHG emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement's 1.5 degree goal requiring net zero emissions by 2050.

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KLA Corp: Net Zero Targets & Climate Transition Planning

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Board issue a report, at reasonable expense and excluding confidential information, disclosing how the Company intends to reduce its GHG emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement's 1.5 degree goal requiring net zero emissions by 2050.

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Williams-Sonoma Inc: Carbon Offset Disclosures

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Williams-Sonoma issue a report within a year, at reasonable expense and excluding confidential information, disclosing additional information on its use of carbon credits, including type of credits, verification, timing, and whether carbon credits are intended to substitute for emissions reductions beyond current goals.

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Monster Beverage Corp: Net Zero Climate Transition Plan

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Monster Beverage issue a report at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information disclosing how the Company intends to reduce its operational and supply chain GHG emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement's 1.5 degree goal requiring net zero emissions by 2050.

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Amedisys Inc: Net Zero Climate Transition Plan

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Amedisys issue a report within a year, and annually thereafter, at reasonable expense and excluding confidential information, disclosing short, medium, and long term greenhouse gas targets aligned with the Paris Agreement’s goal of maintaining global temperature rise at 1.5 degrees Celsius, and progress made in achieving them.

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Dollar Tree Inc: Net Zero Climate Transition Plan

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Board issue a report, at reasonable expense and excluding confidential information, disclosing how the Company intends to reduce its GHG emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement's 1.5 degree goal requiring net zero emissions by 2050, including its relevant Scope 3 emissions.

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Helios Technologies Inc: Net Zero Climate Transition Plan

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request Helios Technologies issue a report, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, disclosing interim and long term GHG gas reduction targets aligned with the Paris Agreement’s goal of maintaining global temperature rise at 1.5 degrees Celsius, a plan to achieve these goals, and progress made in achieving them. Reporting should cover the company’s full range of operational and product related emissions.

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Zillow Group Inc: Net Zero Climate Transition Plan

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Zillow issue a report annually, at reasonable expense and excluding confidential information, that discloses interim and long term GHG gas reduction targets aligned with the Paris Agreement’s goal of maintaining global temperature rise at 1.5 degrees Celsius, a plan to achieve these goals, and progress made in achieving them. Reporting should cover the company’s full range of operational and product related emissions.

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