Waste and Opportunity 2020: Searching for Corporate Leadership

Plastic pollution is a global crisis that is actively threatening oceans, wildlife, and public health. Plastic pollution has rapidly elevated to crisis level in the past three years as better data on the scope of the problem has become available.

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Proxy Voting Guidelines 2020

The Guidelines are designed to be handed off to your investment advisor or proxy voting service, or you can use them to help you vote your own proxies.

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Proxy Preview 2020

Proponents have filed at least 429 shareholder resolutions on environmental, social and sustainable governance issues for the 2020 proxy season, up from 366 filed at this time in 2019.

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Natural Gas: A Bridge to Climate Breakdown

This report serves to inform investors about the evolving risks associated with the use of natural gas within the power sector. At a time when investors are paying increasing attention to power utilities’ exposure . . .

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2020 Strategic Plan

In 1992, we started with a bold and audacious plan to “seed” change in corporate decision-making. We envisioned a safe, just, and sustainable world for all in which environmental health and human rights are CENTRAL to a business’s bottom line.

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As You Sow
The 100 Most Overpaid CEOs 2020: Are Fund Managers Asleep at the Wheel?

As we publish our 2020 report, CEO pay is receiving intense political focus. When company performance is considered, the most overpaid CEOs are disproportionately overpaid.

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Clean200 2020 Update: Investing in a Clean Energy Future

We are pleased to present the 2020 Carbon Clean 200™ list of publicly traded companies that are leading the way with solutions for the transition to a clean energy future.

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2019 Pesticides in the Pantry: Transparency & Risk in Food Supply Chains

Farming has not always required the intensive use of chemicals that constrains our farmers today. Humans have been growing food for over 10,000 years; it is only over the past 60 years that we have become dependent on a complicated and costly system of pesticide use.

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2019 Shareholder Action Review

As You Sow® engaged with companies on 93 resolutions in the 2019 proxy season. It is with immense gratitude to YOU — our share authorizers, donors, supporters, colleagues, and community — that we offer this summary of those engagements.

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Disclosing the Facts 2019

This report is the next installment in a series of scorecard reports designed to promote improved disclosure and corporate responsibility in the oil and gas sector.

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Proxy Voting Guidelines 2019

The Guidelines are designed to be handed off to your investment advisor or proxy voting service, or you can use them to help you vote your own proxies.

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Proxy Preview 2019

Proxy Preview is the #1 resource for shareholders looking to align their values and corporate engagement.

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The 100 Most Overpaid CEOs 2019: Are Fund Managers Asleep at the Wheel?

This 2019 study is the fifth report of our research results. During these five years, what has changed? Quite a bit, and not enough. Significantly, more large shareholders are voting against more CEO pay packages. Those who are not are more isolated and defensive.

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CEO PayAs You Sow
Clean200 2019 Q1 Update: Investing in a Clean Energy Future

We are pleased to present the 2019 Q1 Carbon Clean 200™ list of publicly traded companies that are leading the way with solutions for the transition to a clean energy future.

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2020: A Clear Vision for Paris Compliant Shareholder Engagement

The emissions of the oil & gas industry collectively account for approximately half of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. If fossil fuels continue to be extracted at the same rate over the next 28 years, as they were between 1988 and 2017, global average temperatures would be on course to rise 4°C by the end of the century. Such an increase will have catastrophic consequences.

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Clean200 2018 Q3 Update: Investing in a Clean Energy Future

We launched the Carbon Clean 200 in August 2016 and have updated it every six months to test a model looking at 200 global companies defining the "clean energy future."

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The End of the Line

Methane emissions across the natural gas supply chain are a major climate concern. This paper focuses on the practices that natural gas distribution companies—the entities at the end of the natural gas supply line—can implement to reduce methane emissions.

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Proxy Voting Guidelines 2018

If you’re an investor seeking to align your voting with your environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles, download Proxy Voting Guidelines 2018 today. You will find recommendations to help you vote your shareholder proxy ballot, covering critical issues such as climate change, environmental health, and executive compensation.

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Proxy Preview 2018

Proxy Preview 2018 is the 14th annual edition of the insider’s guide to social and environmental shareholder proposals.

This free publication is the #1 resource for shareholders looking to align their values and investments.

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The 100 Most Overpaid CEOs 2018: Are Fund Managers Asleep at the Wheel?

The fourth report in the series, The 100 Most Overpaid CEO: Are Fund Managers Asleep at the Wheel? highlights the fund managers who continue to approve these pay packages at staggering rates (many funds approve nearly 100% of the pay packages they vote on), and contrasts them with those who take a stance against excessive pay with their votes.

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