Anadarko Shareholders Stun with Majority Vote for Resolution Requesting Climate Change Accountability

Today, a majority of Anadarko shareholders voted in favor of an As You Sow proposal asking the Company to assess the risks to its portfolio of scenarios consistent with limiting global warming to 2 degrees Celsius or below, as defined in the Paris Agreement. Shareholders have signaled a need to understand how Anadarko will retain its value in an increasingly low carbon energy market.

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Entergy Responds to Shareholder Distributed Energy Business Model Proposal; Company Commits to Prepare Two-Degree Risk Report

“Entergy, like the rest of the utility sector, is at an existential fork in the road.  Choose the wrong path and it will run into a huge competitive threat, namely in the form of consumer-owned rooftop solar and storage,” said Natasha Lamb, Managing Partner, Arjuna Capital.  “Anticipate the threat and Entergy can turn instead toward distributed energy as business opportunity.” 


“Utility customers, both large and small, are demanding clean energy. Utility companies must adapt or lose business,” noted Lila Holzman, Energy Program Manager, As You Sow. “Entergy’s commitment to undertake a two-degree carbon risk analysis is a positive step and shows the company is thinking about how it will thrive in a low carbon future.”

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Climate, Politics and Women Top Shareholder Issues for Proxy Season 2018

Proxy Preview 2018, released today by As You Sow, the Sustainable Investments Institute (Si2), and Proxy Impact, offers a comprehensive look at more than 400 shareholder resolutions filed on environmental, social and sustainable governance (ESG) issues. The report shows how investors continue to seek accountability on climate change risk and corporate political spending, but have growing concerns regarding the treatment of women. Other key issues include gun laws, the opioid crisis, fake news and human trafficking.

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100 Most Overpaid CEOs Report Shows Fund Managers Reluctant to Vote Against Exorbitant CEO Pay Packages

Today’s release of The 100 Most Overpaid CEOs: Are Fund Managers Asleep at the Wheel? from shareholder advocacy group As You Sow revealed that the largest fund managers displayed a strong reluctance to vote against exorbitant executive compensation packages. With a growing number of Americans concerned about wealth inequality, fund managers Blackrock and Vanguard have both been speaking out against high pay packages, but have not often used the power of their proxy cast votes against them.

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CEO PayAsYouSowCEO Pay
Court Establishes Guidelines for Chocolate Sold in California

Today a California Superior Court judge in San Francisco approved a settlement resolving claims that have lingered for years over whether certain levels of  lead and cadmium in chocolate require warnings under California's stringent "Proposition 65" law.  The settlement was negotiated by non-profit consumer advocacy group As You Sow and leaders of the chocolate industry over the past year.

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Clean200 List From As You Sow and Corporate Knights Outperforms Dirty Energy Corporations by Nearly Double

Today, As You Sow and Corporate Knights released the fourth update of the Carbon Clean 200 (Clean200), a list of the 200 largest publicly traded companies in the world making significant revenue from clean energy. In its first full year and a half of live performance, Clean200 companies generated a total return of 32.1%. That’s almost double the 15.7% for its fossil fuel benchmark the S&P 1200 Global Energy Index.

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As You Sow Statement on Dunkin’ Brands Phase out of Foam Cups

As You Sow congratulates Dunkin’ Brands today for choosing a replacement material for its polystyrene foam beverage cups and setting a 2020 date to phase them out. This action will remove nearly 1 billion foam cups from the waste stream annually. Coupled with McDonald’s recent commitment to phase out foam materials globally, these two actions could significantly reduce the amount of single use cups that end up as littered waste on land and in waterways.

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