How conservatives ‘lost’ corporate America

As ESG grew from $2.5 trillion at the decade’s start to $17.1 trillion by 2020, according to the U.S. arm of the GSIA, Danhof watched the Overton window move left. Progressive groups like As You Sow pushed for board diversity as part of ESG, and “it went from activist to mainstream” in half a decade, Danhof says, with the likes of Goldman Sachs and Nasdaq championing it. Read More →

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The Purposeful 50 2023

Andrew Behar is CEO of As You Sow, the nation’s leading non-profit practitioner of shareholder advocacy and engagement. With a 30-year track record of success,  As You Sow advances values-aligned investing and uses shareholder power to compel companies to reduce material risk on issues including climate change; toxins in the food system; ocean plastics; diversity, equity, and inclusion; racial justice; and wage equity. Read More →

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Shareholder Resolutions Target Climate, Abortion, CEO Pay

But some disagree. “We don’t think there needs to be a differentiation, 90% of Exxon’s emissions are scope 3,” says Andrew Behar, CEO of shareholder advocacy group As You Sow, “If scope 3 are the majority, we’re most interested in that.” A few fossil fuel giants, including Exxon Mobil (XOM), will be facing resolutions on scope 3 disclosure this year.    Read More →

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Big Banks Hold the Purse Strings For Fossil Fuels. They’re Not Giving Them Up.

Investors at Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Wells Fargo also voted on a first-time resolution filed by shareholder representative As You Sow asking them to provide climate transition plans for achieving their 2030 net-zero GHG emissions reduction goals. That measure fared slightly better and was endorsed by about 30% of shareholders.Danielle Fugere, president and chief counsel at As You Sow, said she was pleased with the result. “Roughly a third of investors supporting the proposal indicates that the companies should be responsive,” she said. “It’s a first-year proposal, so we think this is very strong.” Read More →

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Berkshire Hathaway’s utility company is about to hit a major renewable energy milestone

That’s still not as much as some other utilities have done, and Berkshire has been either less aggressive or less specific in its commitments to bring down carbon emissions, said Daniel Stewart, energy and climate program manager for As You Sow, a shareholder-advisory group sponsoring a resolution at Berkshire’s meeting. Read More →

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How to File (and Pass) a Resolution

“This creates a highly resistant environment to shareholders filing a shareholder proposal – you need to be a major asset owner to have a voice in Europe,” Andrew Behar, CEO of non-profit shareholder advocacy group As You Sow, tells ESG Investor. Unlike in the US, once filed, shareholder proposals in the UK are subject to achieving a majority vote and are binding. “In the US, we got a 96% majority vote last year and the company told us to take a hike,” says Behar.   Read More →

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Comcast facing 401(k) climate change resolution

The SEC has denied a request from the media and telecoms company for the green light to omit the proposal from its 2023 proxy statement. The resolution at issue, which was filed by As You Sow, requests that Comcast’s board ‘publish a report… disclosing how the company is protecting plan beneficiaries with a longer investment time horizon from climate risk in [Comcast’s] default retirement options.’ Read More →

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U.S. Banks Set to Miss 2030 Climate Goals, Says Report

“Banks are fundamental to changing the direction of climate change,” said Danielle Fugere, president and chief counsel of As You Sow, a shareholder advocacy nonprofit that has filed shareholder resolutions asking Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs to disclose transition plans describing how they intend to align their financing activities with their 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. Read More →

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Businesses face more and more pressure from investors to act on climate change

"I don't ever like to say this, but it feels a little bit like window dressing — that they are attempting to convince investors that they're taking action," says Danielle Fugere, president of As You Sow. "But because they aren't measuring, they aren't disclosing, we don't have a way to measure the effectiveness of those actions." Read More →

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Your Easter candy may be contaminated. Heavy metals found in most dark chocolate brands.

The chocolate industry and its watchdogs have been looking for solutions since a corporate accountability group based in California called As You Sow began finding lead and cadmium in dark chocolate in 2014.  After years of litigation, As you Sow and the industry agreed to conduct a study to understand how metals are getting into chocolate and how to fix it. Read More →

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Pressured to Cut Plastic Use, McDonald’s Aims to See What Works and What Doesn’t

This year, As You Sow filed a new proposal requesting McDonald’s report on the environmental benefits of reusable packaging, but withdrew it ahead of the company’s annual meeting after McDonald’s told them it would publish such a report. A McDonald’s spokeswoman said the company had planned to carry out its study before the As You Sow proposal. Read More →

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How the anti-ESG movement is failing to gain a foothold in corporate America

Proxy Preview 2023, an annual report published today (22 March) by shareholder advocacy group As You Sow, in conjunction with the sustainable non-profit Sustainable Investments Institute (Si2) and ESG shareholder aggregator Proxy Impact, reveals that anti-ESG resolutions are on the rise this year, although they remain dwarfed by the number of shareholder resolutions in support of ESG aims. Read More →

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