Posts in Invest Your Values
How your retirement investments can help protect the environment

Andrew Behar, CEO of the nonprofit watchdog and shareholder advocacy group As You Sow, says his organization's mission is to help people "invest with intention." It's actually in your benefit to use such a strategy, he explains. The energy sector continues to be one of the worst performing sectors over the last decade. Meanwhile, the new presidential administration, with its robust climate change commitments, is expected to positively impact the returns on these kind of investments even further. Read More →

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Is This The Beginning Of The End For Private Prisons? The Market Seems To Think So

Particularly in the wake of the nation’s renewed attempts to reckon with racial justice, there has been a greater awareness about the power of money to make social change. Resources like As You Sow’s Prison Free Funds tool are now publicly available, to help individuals “find out if your money is invested in” economic systems like “the prison industrial complex, exploitative prison labor, and immigration detention centers.” Read More →

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The Citizen Recommends: As You Sow

Cory Donovan, executive director of social impact investing organization ImpactPHL, used a tool from As You Sow, a 30-year-old nonprofit that pushes corporations towards more conscientious business practices, that allowed him to look up a socially good grade for the mutual funds that made up his Individual Retirement Account (IRA). What he learned was…not good. Read More →

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Fossil Free Funds From As You Sow Helps Investors Divest From Fossil Fuel Companies with High Carbon Footprints

In a Nutshell: Fossil Free Funds is one of six mutual fund search tools offered by 501(c)3 nonprofit As You Sow. Investors can research thousands of mutual funds, fund managers, fund families, and other options to see where the companies embedded in their mutual funds stand on social, environmental, and governance issues. Read More →

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This online tool helps you make sure your retirement investments reflect your values

But people increasingly want to know that the conglomeration of corporations that they part-own is clean. That’s where As You Sow’s “Invest Your Values” online tool comes into play. The tool, the winner in the impact investing category of Fast Company’s 2020 World Changing Ideas Awards, gives users a chance to view what’s in the funds they’re paying into and—if they don’t like what they find—to pick a mutual fund more aligned with their politics “Its essence is to help everyday investors to align their investing with their values,” says Andrew Behar, As You Sow’s CEO. Read More →

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