Posts in Energy & Climate
U.S. Banks Set to Miss 2030 Climate Goals, Says Report

“Banks are fundamental to changing the direction of climate change,” said Danielle Fugere, president and chief counsel of As You Sow, a shareholder advocacy nonprofit that has filed shareholder resolutions asking Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs to disclose transition plans describing how they intend to align their financing activities with their 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. Read More →

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Businesses face more and more pressure from investors to act on climate change

"I don't ever like to say this, but it feels a little bit like window dressing — that they are attempting to convince investors that they're taking action," says Danielle Fugere, president of As You Sow. "But because they aren't measuring, they aren't disclosing, we don't have a way to measure the effectiveness of those actions." Read More →

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Net zero: Wall Street asset owners under intense scrutiny

Danielle Fugere, As You Sow’s president, discussed the non-profit’s engagement strategy: “We have been engaging with the banks for some time… asking them to measure their emissions and disclose their target setting. We didn’t file at all last year with banks, but have returned this year to work with them to find agreement on what would be an appropriate transition plan.” Read More →

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Anti-ESG drive in U.S. could have cost taxpayers up to $708 mln - study

The study based its analysis on a recent Wharton School of Business paper that found Texas taxpayers could have faced up to $532 million in additional interest payments because of restrictions introduced in that state. "Legislators will face the backlash of their constituents for flushing hundreds of millions of dollars down the toilet for their own political games," said Andrew Behar, CEO at shareholder advocacy group As You Sow, one of the backers of the study. Read More →

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