Posts in Energy
British Hedge Fund Billionaire Takes Climate Fight to S&P 500

The Aena vote, which passed, caught the attention of Andrew Behar, chief executive officer of As You Sow, a leading U.S. nonprofit that represents shareholders to engage public companies on ESG policy implementation. A few weeks later, the foundation Mr. Hohn founded reached out and arranged a grant for the nonproft to start rolling out the campaign in the U.S., Mr. Behar said. Read More →

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Exxon, under investor pressure, discloses emissions from burning its fuels

Exxon said it made the disclosure due to investor interest. “They’re seeking dollars against companies that are disclosing Scope 3,” said Danielle Fugere, president of As You Sow, a non-profit shareholder activist group. “I don’t think they have any choice.” Read More →

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Investor-owned utilities lack executive compensation incentives aimed at emissions reductions, report says

An effective incentive needs to be something measurable, and it needs to be tied to something the recipient of the incentive can actually control, according to Rosanna Landis Weaver, executive compensation program manager for As You Sow. With respect to utility decarbonization, she said she also looks for incentives that reward actions beyond business as usual. Otherwise, Weaver said, the incentive only serves to inflate CEO compensation without producing meaningful change. Read More →

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Corporations roll out climate goals amid growing pressure to deliver

Lila Holzman, energy program manager with As You Sow, which works with shareholders and businesses on corporate responsibility plans, said her group encourages companies to set big goals that align with the targets scientists have determined are necessary to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of global warming while also charting out more feasible shorter-term steps that get them started on the right path. Read More →

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Can Gas-Fired Power Plants Coexist With a Net-Zero Target? Yes, Southern Company Insists

Lila Holzman, energy program manager of nonprofit group As You Sow, called Southern Company’s decision to exclude Scope 3 emissions from its plan an “unacceptable” approach. She also criticized the plan’s lack of detail on the costs and risks of relying on as-yet-unproven technologies to cut the carbon footprint of its natural-gas fleet. Read More →

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BP wants to become the world’s largest renewables producer (but still pump a lot of oil)

“I think what this reflects is really a responsible assessment of where the world is going in terms of energy demand, where the opportunity for growth exists, and demonstrates that the company wants to remain an energy company, as opposed to an oil and gas company,” says Danielle Fugere, president and chief counsel of As You Sow, a nonprofit that focuses on environmental change through shareholder advocacy. Read More →

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Shareholders urge Chevron, Exxon to report climate change health risks

According to preliminary results, 46% of investors voted to support a shareholder resolution at Chevron and 25% voted to support a similar one at Exxon. Filed by shareholder advocacy group As You Sow, the resolutions call for Exxon and Chevron to report on the public health risks of expanding their petrochemical operations in areas increasingly prone to climate change-induced storms, flooding, and sea level rise. The same proposal received a majority 54.7% vote at Phillips 66 earlier this month. Read More →

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BlackRock uses shareholder meeting to insist it follows version of ‘corporate purpose’ framework, push environmental priorities

In his presentation of the proposal, Andrew Behar, CEO of the non-profit organization As You Sow, which promotes investor action on sustainable practices at corporations, said: “We agree with the World Economic Forum, the Business Roundtable and BlackRock on the path forward. This requires an alignment of words and actions. Yet historically, BlackRock has voted for nearly every egregious CEO pay package and against nearly every climate resolution. This cognitive dissonance is troubling.” Read More →

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Phillips 66 shareholders support studying climate change impact on Gulf Coast petrochemical facilities

A majority of Phillips 66 investors voted for a shareholder proposal that asked the Houston refiner to produce information about the public health risks of expanding petrochemical operations along the U.S. Gulf Coast… The proposal, which was filed by the climate activist shareholder group, As You Sow, argued that building chemical facilities in areas more prone to climate risks such as frequent storms, flooding and sea level rise, could pose financial, health, environmental and reputation risks to the Houston refining and pipeline company. Read More →

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Report: Natural gas is a loser for long-term utility shareholder value

Investment into new natural gas infrastructures like pipelines and power plants is "incompatible" with long-term shareholder value, and thus it is in the best interest of the investor community to push utilities away from natural gas, according to a new report from corporate social responsibility group As You Sow and environmental consulting firm Energy Innovation. Read More →

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Coal Is Out as APS Sets Carbon-Free Goal

As You Sow, a group that has worked with APS on plans to reduce the company’s reliance on fossil-fuel based energy, in an email to POWER said its supports APS’s action plan. “We commend APS for this important step toward addressing its climate impact and positioning itself to thrive in the coming clean energy economy,” said Lila Holzman, energy program manager of As You Sow. Read More →

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