Rising opposition to CEO pay tied to 'questionable practices,' report says

Proxy votes against executive pay at S&P 500 companies became more common last year and were often sparked by "questionable practices and metrics" like when companies eased performance targets during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a report by As You Sow, a shareholder advocacy group focused on environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters.

As companies begin to issue their proxy statements showing compensation details in coming months, some will have gotten the message they should not tweak formulas to leaders' advantage even if a crisis looms, said Rosanna Landis Weaver, one of the report's authors.

"Last year we could tell starkly when companies were doing these things, and shareholders responded," she said. But the unique circumstances of the pandemic mean it could be harder for investors to spot bad pay practices in the future, she added. Read More →