2020 proxy season includes 400-plus ESG resolutions – report

More than 400 ESG shareholder resolutions have been filed this proxy season, and many are headed for votes at corporate annual meetings, according to the Proxy Preview 2020 report being released Thursday.

Two-thirds of the 429 filings address climate change, political spending and treatment of women on boards and in the workplace, according to the report released by As You Sow, the Sustainable Investments Institute and Proxy Impact. More than 300 of the 429 proposals are expected to be voted on this spring.

Preview co-author Heidi Welsh, executive director of the Sustainable Investments Institute, said that investors are increasingly pushing for companies to address those topics, even as the SEC works on changing the rules for the shareholder proposal process, despite strong opposition by many investor groups. Read Full Article - Pensions & Investments, March 20, 2020