Environmentalists question if natural gas a viable solution to climate change

Environmentalists raised concerns of the impact of natural gas production on climate change as the U.S. transitions away from coal and to natural gas which was previously viewed as a cleaner fossil fuel and “bridge” for the industry to more environmentally friendly forms of energy.

Shareholder advocacy group As You Sow partnered with Energy Innovation to release a study titled “Natural Gas: A Bridge to Climate Breakdown” to look at the potential climate impacts of natural gas as many states enacted legislation in recent years to transition away from carbon-based energy.

The report cautioned that combustion of natural gas, a process known as flaring, and leaks of methane and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) could generate significant climate impacts, and that methane leaks could be worse than previous estimates. Read Full Article - Carlsbad Current Argus, March 13, 2020