As You Sow

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Pesticides in your Pantry: Scorecard Seeds Big Change

General Mills Takes the Lead -

Pesticide-based agriculture doesn’t cut it anymore. Consumers are demanding cleaner, safer foods. Companies have to step up or be left behind.

Because of you, General Mills is stepping up.

After persistent engagement, they set pesticide-reduction goals for their supply chain. They’re beginning to help farmers switch to regenerative agriculture practices that reduce pesticide use, benefit soil health, and increase biodiversity. Just as importantly, they specified how they’ll measure progress, which is crucial for accountability.

The credit is yours.

Now it’s time to get more food companies to step up. Scorecards are a great way to encourage improvements. Pesticides in the Pantry does just that — plus introduces best practices and benchmarks for investors and analysts. Check it out at

You make it happen. Thank you.

Check out the Pesticides in the Pantry report on our website!