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Workplace Diversity and Financial Performance: An Analysis of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO-1) Data Webinar & Report Release

What is the association between workforce diversity and corporate financial performance? To find out, As You Sow and Whistle Stop Capital mapped employee diversity data (EEO-1) for 277 companies to financial performance.

Historically, corporate disclosures of workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs were anecdotal and subjective. The lack of measurable data prevented systematic review and made it impossible to analyze securities based on DEI programs, assign performance attribution, or anything similar. Recently, however, as a result of cultural and investor pressure, many companies have publicly released standardized data on their workforce diversity.

We invite you to a webinar where we will discuss how this newly available data strengthens and confirms previous research and establishes a positive association between diverse representation in management and strong financial performance. In addition to our findings, we will discuss challenges and the need for a larger, more robust dataset that includes hiring, promotion, and retention rate data.