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Invest Your Values Workshop Series: Impact Corporate Decision-Making For Global Good

Worried that your savings may be invested in coal, oil, and gas companies? Join Andrew Behar, CEO of As You Sow, in collaboration with World Affairs for a two-part workshop series on shareholder advocacy (Nov 10) and exploring what’s hidden in your portfolio (Nov 29). Register today and move your money for a safe tomorrow: 

Are companies you invest in living up to their public declarations of promoting environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG)? Or are they using vague wording in securities filings to greenwash their presence without taking action? Join our CEO Andrew Behar on Nov. 10 and Nov. 29 for a two-part workshop series on investing your values with World Affairs.

Workshop 1 (VIRTUAL): 

Join CEO Andrew Behar and World Affairs online on Nov. 10 at 6 PM PT for a conversation on how shareholders can press companies to make decisions that reap long-term profits and benefit people and the climate for generations to come. Register here: 

Workshop 2 (IN PERSON):

Join us in-person on Nov. 29 at 6 PM PT to learn on how to move your money towards socially responsible assets with CEO Andrew Behar in partner with World Affairs. Bring your portfolio–or just your curiosity!– for this hands-on tutorial. Register here: