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Design for Earth Meetup: Waking Up the Wealthy Earthpreneur

October 9, 2019 - Andrew Behar will be speaking at the Design for Earth Meetup: Waking Up the Wealthy Earthpreneur.

Location: AngelList, 90 Gold Street, San Francisco, CA 94133

Learn how you can activate your money to transform a capitalist system that prioritizes shareholders to a more conscious economy that rewards those that give back to people and the Earth. Join us in a profound and authentic conversation that will provide insight, lead you to a clearer understanding of the role you can play, and offer steps you can take to become an Investor for the Earth by aligning your dollars with your environmental values.

Schedule in progress:

• 6-630pm – Check-in and Connecting

• 630-8pm Panel Discussion & Q&A

• Moderator, Juliias Ellis, Founder of Design for Earth

• Janine Firpo, Social Innovator, Values-Aligned Investor, Angel Investor (New Wave Impact Fund), Board Member Zebras Unite

• Andrew Behar, As You Sow, CEO, US Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investing Board Member

• 8pm-8:30pm – Building Our Health Ecosystem

About Design for Earth :: We empower and inspire a community of Startup Sheroes, Heroes, Earthpreneurs, Designers, Champions and Wizards that will interrupt Climate Change. Our ecosystem includes connecting the dots of fashion, food, female leadership, money, technology, water, entertainment, architecture, science policy and creating a new future of regenerative lifestyle and business to live into. Building a network of conscious mentors, we discover, define and develop new enriching conversations and solutions for healthy global impact.

AYS Calendar Logos (2).png
Earlier Event: September 25
SF State Presentation
Later Event: November 4
Webinar: Stranded Plastics