Posts in Climate Change
Shareholders Press ExxonMobil and DowDuPont on Climate Resiliency Risks; Petrochemical Giants Double Down on Operations in Flood Zones

Shareholder proposals brought by As You Sow will challenge two of the world’s largest oil and chemical producers, ExxonMobil and DowDuPont at annual meetings on May 29 and June 25, respectively, to issue a report assessing the public health risks of expanding their petrochemical operations and investments in areas increasingly prone to climate change-induced storms, flooding, and sea level rise, and the risks such operations pose to public health.

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Exxon and Shell Support Methane Regulations, Gas’ Climate Impact Remains Alarming

At CERAWeek, Shell broke its tradition of avoiding government criticism to call on the Trump administration to tighten methane restrictions from oil and gas operations. Exxon also doubled down on its position that federal methane regulation has an important role to play in leveling the playing field and reducing environmental risks.

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SEC Rules Anadarko Must Include Shareholder Proposal Requesting Disclosure on Company’s Alignment with Paris Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ruled Monday that Anadarko Petroleum Corporation cannot exclude a shareholder proposal filed by As You Sow. The proposal asks the company to issue a report describing if, and how, it plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to align with the Paris Agreement’s goal of avoiding catastrophic climate change.

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BP to Support Investor Resolution on Climate, but Will Announcement Be Followed With 'Concrete, Bold Action'?

BP announced today that it will support a resolution from investors of the Climate Action 100+ initiative asking the company to broaden its corporate reporting to describe how its strategy is consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. The energy giant said the BP board has decided to support the proposed resolution, which will be put to shareholders at the company’s annual general meeting in May 2019.

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Chevron AGM: Investor Angst Grows With Oil Giants’ Refusal to Plan Transition to Low Carbon Economy

Investors at Chevron Corporation’s annual meeting will vote today on a shareholder resolution put forward by As You Sow and Arjuna Capital. The resolution asks Chevron to report to shareholders on how the company plans to transition its business model to successfully align with a decarbonizing energy market, while also taking a role in helping to limit the planet’s warming to under two degrees Celsius.

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As You Sow Statement on ExxonMobil Announcement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions

ExxonMobil today announced an intent to reduce methane emissions by 15% by 2020 and undertake other greenhouse gas reduction measures at refining and chemical manufacturing operations focused on efficiency improvements. This announcement follows a successful shareholder vote of nearly 40% on As You Sow’s 2017 methane resolution with ExxonMobil asking the company to detail plans to curtail its methane emissions.

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