As You Sow

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Proxy Voting for 1.5ºC World Calls for Votes Against Company Board Directors Failing to Address Climate Change


MEDIA CONTACT: Stefanie Spear,, 216-387-1609

BERKELEY, CA—MARCH 30, 2021—Today, Majority Action launched Proxy Voting for 1.5°C World, which outlines a list of systemically important companies in the electricity generation and oil and gas industries that have not set emissions targets aligned to limiting warming to 1.5°C. The campaign calls on institutional investors, including large asset managers, pension plans, and state treasurers, to use their proxy voting power to vote against company directors that have failed in their oversight responsibilities to address escalating climate change.

Danielle Fugere, president of As You Sow, comments on the launch of the campaign:

“As recently noted by a leading corporate attorney — climate risk is now squarely on the boardroom table. From the World Economic Forum to coalitions of global financial institutions, world leaders are recognizing that action on climate change is imperative to reduce growing climate risk. These new guidelines for proxy voting underscore that, where companies are failing to develop effective climate transition plans, boards will appropriately be held accountable.”

To learn more about As You Sow’s work on climate change, click here.

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As You Sow is a nonprofit organization that promotes environmental and social corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy, coalition building, and innovative legal strategies. See our resolutions here.