As You Sow

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Realizing the risk of ignoring shareholder climate resolutions

ImpactAlpha, May 21 – Massive flooding in Midland, Michigan on Wednesday threatened to release chemicals from a Dow chemical complex, where products ranging from Saran Wrap to Agent Orange have been produced over years, and an adjacent Superfund site. It’s the kind of nightmare scenario that imperils public health as well as corporate value, and one that investor groups have been sounding the alarm on as global warming increases the frequency of severe weather events.

“This should be a warning sign,” says Lila Holzman of As You Sow. 

The group filed a resolution last year asking Dow (then DowDuPont) to report public health risks of “expanding their petrochemical operations in areas increasingly prone to climate change-induced storms, flooding, and sea level rise.” Read Full Article - Impactalpha, May 22, 2020