As You Sow

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This online tool helps you make sure your retirement investments reflect your values

The mutual fund—essentially a basket of stocks—is a common investment option in employees’ retirement funds. What many workers don’t realize, though, is that the basket they’ve picked, usually from a limited set of options offered by a financial institution, is often filled to the brim with shares representing the most contentious industries in America: weapons manufacturers, big tobacco, and fossil fuels.

But people increasingly want to know that the conglomeration of corporations that they part-own is clean. That’s where As You Sow’s “Invest Your Values” online tool comes into play. The tool, the winner in the impact investing category of Fast Company’s 2020 World Changing Ideas Awards, gives users a chance to view what’s in the funds they’re paying into and—if they don’t like what they find—to pick a mutual fund more aligned with their politics  “Its essence is to help everyday investors to align their investing with their values,” says Andrew Behar, As You Sow’s CEO. Read Full Article - Fast Company, April 28, 2020