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Democrats' proposed fracking ban could be a problem in Pennsylvania, a 2020 swing state

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Fracking is fueling controversy in a key battleground state in the 2020 presidential race. From the campaign trail to Capitol Hill, lawmakers and advocates from both sides are now weighing in.

Some top Democrats, including presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, are calling for a total ban on fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing. That is a common but controversial practice used by natural gas companies that has led to economic growth in Pennsylvania and other natural gas-rich states.

Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Pat Toomey fears the ban would destroy Pennsylvania’s economy in some regions of the state that have built themselves around the industry. The modern-day gold rush has increased gas production and led to cheaper natural gas prices for the American consumer. The ban, Toomey said, could raise fuel prices for all Americans. Read Full Article - Eerie News Now, March 6, 2020