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Shareholders Demand More Climate Disclosures As SEC Moves to Restrict Them

With annual meeting season just around the corner, investors are continuing to press fossil fuel companies to disclose their efforts to address climate change.

Shareholder resolutions have already been filed asking companies to disclose data on their climate change-related lobbying, to disclose risks to their bottom lines posed by climate change and to disclose risks posed to the climate by their business operations. Investors are also continuing to press companies to disclose how they plan to align their operations with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Shareholder resolutions are non-binding recommendations presented to companies by investors at their annual meetings. Resolutions that are accepted are voted on by the shareholders that attend. They are most often related to environmental, social and governance issues.

But while shareholder proposals focus on increasing corporate accountability, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is working to toughen rules that govern their submission. Read Full Article - Climate Liability News, January 10, 2020