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Be honest' about U.S. gender pay gap, investors tell firms

NEW YORK, March 6 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A fresh round in the battle for equal pay will be fought at upcoming U.S. corporate annual meetings, where investors will demand that firms reveal how much less women earn than men.

The latest tactic is to use shareholder resolutions - where stock owners propose issues to be voted upon - to request companies' average salaries, said Natasha Lamb, a managing partner at the investment firm Arjuna Capital.

Arjuna, which specialises in sustainable and ethical investing, is asking nearly a dozen tech, retail and banking companies to disclose median pay at their annual meetings with shareholders, she said.

"They all have big gender pay gaps, and until they open up and be honest about what those gaps are, we won't have a baseline for which to measure progress going forward," Lamb said ahead of Friday's International Women's Day. Read Full Article - Reuters, March 6, 2019