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Shell Rebukes Trump & Doubles Down On Electricity

British-Dutch oil major Royal Dutch Shell has made it clear this week that, at least publicly, it has no interest in doing business as usual, rebuking US President Donald Trump and his administration to tighten methane while at the same time announcing it plans to be the largest power company in the world by the early 2030s.

Maarten Wetselaar, the Director of Shell’s Integrated Gas & New Energies division, sat down with Bloomberg Television on Monday and promised that Shell “can be the largest electricity power company in the world in the early 2030s.”

“We are not interested in the power business because we like what we saw in the last 20 years,” Wetselaar said, “we are interested because we think we like what we see in the next 20 years.” Read Full Article - Clean Technica, March 15, 2019