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Southern, Duke, Dominion targeted over CO2 goals

New York City's chief financial officer has called on three large U.S. utilities to institute an independent board chair in a move intended to help them navigate a transition to a low-carbon economy. Comptroller Scott Stringer filed this week three shareholder resolutions at Southern Co., Duke Energy Corp. and Dominion Energy Inc. that ask each utility for a shareholder vote on the proposals at each company's next annual meeting.

Independent board leadership would help each utility move from "the country's biggest contributors to devastating climate change" to "net-zero power producers," Stringer's office said. "This is about ensuring sustainable growth for these companies and for our pension system," Stringer said in a statement announcing the proposals. "An independent board chair means stronger oversight that can spur the transformational decarbonization process these companies desperately need." Read Full Article - E&E News, November 22, 2019