As You Sow

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SCDuke Energy’s Massive Rate Hike Challenged

Remember that massive rate hike proposed last November by Charlotte, North Carolina-based Duke Energy?  We do …

And our guess is the company’s 591,000 South Carolina residential customers in Greenwood, Greenville, Lancaster Spartanburg and York counties remember it, too, as it would raise their monthly utility bills by $15.57 on average (from $113.86 to $129.43) beginning on June 1, 2019.

If approved …

Documents filed before the S.C. Public Service Commission (SCPSC) – which must approve the proposed 12.1 percent increase – indicate the rate hike is being challenged, though.  One petition to intervene in the case – filed by the Sierra Club – cautions that the proposed levy could create “disproportionate and unreasonable burdens on low-income South Carolinians.” Read Full Article - FitsNews, January 28, 2019