As You Sow

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Plastic straw bans a drop in the ocean in keeping our waters clean

California has fired another volley in the plastic-straw wars, enacting a law that bars sit-down restaurants from offering straws to diners unless they specifically request them. The move follows total bans on plastic straws in cities including San Francisco; Malibu, California; Seattle; and Miami Beach, Florida.

Yet cutting down on the use of straws, while a highly visible symbol of the push to reduce the use of plastic, are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cleaning up our oceans and other waterways, environmental advocates say.

"It's not just straws -- it's all the single-use plastics, it's all the cigarettes that people drop on the beach," Conrad MacKerron, senior vice president at As You Sow, recently told CBS MoneyWatch. Read Full Article - CBS News, September 22, 2018