As You Sow

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Actor Adrian Grenier, other environmental activists cheer Starbucks decision to phase out plastic straws

“Starbucks taught the world how to drink coffee, and I believe that this commitment will help teach the world how to embrace sustainable business practices, starting with the plastic straw,” actor Adrian Grenier, Lonely Whale co-founder, said Monday.

Starbucks will be expanding its use of the strawless lid, now used for iced drinks in more than 8,000 shops in North America, and will begin offering paper or compostable plastic straws.

As You Sow expressed concern that the compostable straws would not always be ideal.

“It is important that compostable straws are used only in locations where there are composting systems in place to actually process them, ” said Conrad MacKerron, the group’s senior vice president. “Otherwise, these straws will continue to generate plastic trash.” Read Full Article - Los Angeles Daily News, July 9, 2018