As You Sow

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Let's Do This

Exxon is the 5th largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world, behind only China, Russia’s Gazprom, and the national oil companies of Saudi Arabia and Iran. It’s one of the world’s worst climate actors — and now we find out it scored dead last on our Racial Justice scorecard, with a whopping minus 23%. That means it does more harm to communities of color than it makes up for with positive policies and practices.

We’re going to task Exxon on climate AND racial justice.

Will you help hold Exxon accountable?

You can make it happen.

Thanks to your generosity, we built the evidence. Now we need to bring it to the company. And shareholders have power, even at Exxon. In 2021, shareholders replaced an astounding five Board members, got the company to add two more, and sent a loud and clear message that “business as usual” is over. Now’s the time to press hard on both climate and systemic racism.

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Every dollar up to $100,000 will be matched 1:1, doubling your impact