As You Sow

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30 Years of Impact

Thirty years ago, As You Sow began its shareholder advocacy, pursuing corporate accountability, financial transparency, and a safe, just, and sustainable world for all.

In 1992, Tom Van Dyck founded As You Sow to preserve the environment for his two then-young children. Big timber companies were threatening to destroy irreplaceable old growth forests. Working with friends and allies, Tom stood up for the forests through As You Sow.

Today, we stand up on many of the world’s most important environmental and social issues, like climate change, ocean plastics, and racial justice, as shareholders and by enabling values-aligned investing. We engage with hundreds of companies across 12 program areas.

Our 30-year track record speaks volumes, but our community speaks even louder. As You Sow is powered by partners – the foundations, individuals, and allies who believe that together, we can create the change we need. Take a look inside for some of the impact you have created with your gifts. Because it’s you that make it happen. Thank you.