As You Sow

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What Shareholders are Learning from COVID-19

If there is one takeaway from the trauma of COVID-19, it is that that we now have dramatic proof that SCIENCE = LIFE and ignorance... doesn’t.

When we address problems with logic, people live, economies recover, and we avert widespread tragedy. We’re losing lives because our leaders are not basing decisions on data, long-range planning, and worst-case scenario models.

COVID-19 is a high-speed demonstration of what awaits us with climate change if we continue to ignore science.

We know how to transform our energy, transportation, and building systems to align with the Paris Agreement’s limit of 1.5°C warming.

If we are wise, we will apply the pandemic lessons to the climate crisis and shift our trajectory. As investors, we can apply pressure to make this course correction and align our investing with our values. This will channel capital into companies with best practices. As individuals, we can decide what products we purchase, where we bank, what we eat, and what we buy. Each decision defines us and sends a powerful signal that can build a regenerative economy.

As shareholder advocates, we can hold companies accountable. Our engagements are grounded in hard evidence and science. Thanks to you, companies are listening to the science, and taking action for a sustainable future. We choose our future with every action we take. If we ignore the science, it is at our peril. Or we can believe the science, respond with the necessary urgency, and avoid tragedy.

Thank you for standing on the side of science.